Reversed Names

Analyze name correctness and fix reversed names


Names often get mixed up in our database either from forms filled out incorrectly, poor scraping data, and manual error. This conversation assesses the correctness of the name inputs in both the first and last name fields. Delpha discovers which contacts have reversed names with a high confidence score and offers to fix it with one click. Delpha also checks on LinkedIn and presents this information to the end user to have multiple data points to make their decision.

Inaccurate data such as reversed names either requires a lot of tedious time to update or, if used as is, negatively impacts your brand image, personalization efforts and revenue. When 50% of businesses (64% for B2B) are using email automation, the correctness of the data in your Contact records directly impacts the success of those emails as personalization tokens just pull the input as stored in the database without checking the correctness of the data.


Eliminating bad data in your contact records will enable you to provide better personalization, improve outreach success, and improve productivity of your database users.

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