Suggest LinkedIn Profiles

Add LinkedIn profiles to Salesforce Contacts


To achieve a 360-view of your contacts, LinkedIn profiles can assist in verifying current titles and employment. Within the information associated with a LinkedIn profile, you will also be able to cross-reference certain contact information as well as enrich contact details with useful data for Sales & Marketing. 

LinkedIn profiles can also serve as a very good Unique Identifier for managing Duplicates.

Why do I need this conversation?

Getting Linkedin Profiles is the first step to many other great conversations (Enrich, Has Moved, Connection Request, InMail, …).
With just 2 clicks without leaving Salesforce or needing to open a new tab or window, you can add the relevant LinkedIn Profile to your Contact in Salesforce.


Key advantages of having LinkedIn profile URLs :

  • Know your contacts better
  • Convenient access in Salesforce to additional contact info
  • Better ABM mapping and retargeting campaigns
  • Can serve as a unique identifier for your contacts
  • Ability to enrich contact records
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Delpha Delpha

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